Different Avenues for Selling

There are a number of options for selling your home.

Traditionally, you would always sign up with a Real Estate Agent and leave it in their hands. That is still very much the most popular option and you can absolutely do that, of course using the interview guide we have given you to help!.

Once you have a Real Estate Agent working for you, then you have the options for Auction, Private and so on. The Agent would talk you through those options and their recommendations. In Australia, there are a number of ways to find real estate agents if you do need one (link to come).

You can also speak with a buyers agent who may have a buyer for you, therefore avoiding the 'on market' pressure

Another option is something newer, a purely online option.

In Australia, Early Match is a company who can help you anticipate your real estate plans by skipping traditional real estate agencies.

With Early Match you can test the market without commitment and receive offers from buyers before having to call an agent.

It is for people who are not in a rush as Early Match shares your plan to sell in the future with buyers planning to purchase at the same time.

So, you can think about selling in 9 months and be connected with buyers looking to buy in 9 months or up to 2 years.

You just have to share your timing, your location and type of properties to test the market. You can find out more about <early match here>

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